samedi 20 octobre 2007

More on Larry O’s Ilegal Take-Out

The bribery controversy just won’t go away. Poor old Larry O can’t shake allegations that he offered fellow right-wing candidate Terry Kilrea up to $30,000 to cover campaign expenses if he dropped out of the 2006 Mayoral race as well as help to get a federal appointment.

This week the controversy even made its way into the House of Commons with the Liberal pressing the regional minister John Baird to divulge what he knew about the potential appointment to the national parole board. While this may only be the typical question period sabre-rattling, the evidence supporting the claims is strong.

The evidence includes statements to police from MPP Lisa MacLeod and the mayor's niece, Heather Tessier, both of whom said they knew about an alleged offer. Moreover, Kilrea has sworn to his allegations in an affidavit and also passed a lie-detector test about its contents.

Meanwhile, Larry O who always takes the high-road, took time to lambaste the investigation as hampering his effectiveness as Mayor. That is it Larry. The reason you have bumbled every file so far at City Hall is because of the investigation, and has nothing to do with your secretive, confrontational management style, or your complete ignorance of municipal politics.

One again having a bad week, the Mayor turned to his preferred medium. The secret and closed-door meeting. Earlier this week, our revanchist mayor convened a secret breakfast meeting with 13 Councilors to shore up his support luring them in to Lansdowne park with free coffee and donuts (Yipee!). Thankfully Councilor Alex Cullen, who was not invited, reminded the Mayor that this kind of private meeting contravenes the spirit of the Municipal Act which calls for public meetings of council. Larry, did someone forget to remind you that you are now a PUBLIC servant, and no longer the CEO of a Temp worker agency?

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